These are by a fellow MBT-er, Ryan Kjolberg, or Kjolbergart as he is known here.
He is currently "studying to become a concept artist and wants to ultimately become a movie director" and has taken some time out to do us the honour of working up some bogles of his own.

As I said to him in reply, they are "absolutely spot on, the combination of fur and fleshy, snaggle-tooth jaws, the intensity of the eyes; it reminds me of just how damn scary a place the Half-Continent could be to live in and how people's fear and prejudice against monsters is in some way well-founded and fair." Thank you so much for these Ryan.
I hope you all like 'em too...
(These images are of course (c) copyright Ryan Kjolberg, and are used by his pernission)
Anyone else got things to share?
Also, please consider 'signing' the online petition saying No Parallel Importation of Books into Australia, if you have not already - for those who want to know more about this issue here is a starting point.